She comes every night

And weeps

Or laughs

Like a maniac.


She wears

A ragged gray shroud

In her shaking hand a torch

Has you crying

Every night


She comes

And calls – what

What for ?

She rubs her knees on

The bloody soil


The nights she weeps

A shiver goes down the trees

She puts her head

Into your pond

She can’t breathe but her tears

– what tears ? Under water

Life doesn’t exist.


She prays

Does she?

She screams

She’s rotting

And the gods don’t answer

– don’t believe her

She thinks.

– Does she ? Under water

At least

Lies the calming void.


The bloody soil

You hear it

It wonders if

She killed someone or if

Someone killed her.

It wonders if she is a ghost

And she does, too.



Is lost

And yet tomorrow


Will act tough

And try to make peace with the gods

For she is a priestress

Pressured into showing faith

And hopes

And she can’t

She can’t fail

And is sure

She fails and lies

Every day



Who is she ?

Perhaps you know

Better than her

Who she is.

But look at you




You can’t save her if you can’t save yourself !


She comes every night

And weeps

Or laughs

Like a maniac.


She wears

Nothing but her fears

In her shaking hand a voice

Has you crying

Every night


She comes

And calls – what

What for ?

She rubs her knees on

The bloody soil


The nights she laughs

The wolves themselves

Stop biting you

And cry.

She holds onto her faith

– holds a knife

And threatens

The weeper one.


She doesn’t pray

Does she ?

A god speaks

Through her

The other is silenced

As you are

As the forest is

The divine void

Takes over everything.


The bloody soil

You hear it

It wonders if she bleeds or if

It is the other who bleeds.

It wonders if she is a ghost or if

It is the other who is

And she doesn’t wonder

She now stands


On her own – are you sure ? – body.


She –


No – don’t

Approach !

A soul is drowning in

Your pond, all crumpled

No – don’t

Approach !

The priestress she was

Poisoned !

Look at the bloody soil –

It is all dead now.



Who is she ?

You ask – you

Ask ?


You talk – to say

What ? No

I will remain.

You have – a form ?

Is it a

Metamorphose ?


You say

– You say ?

It is merely you

Coming back from the cold

Filling with warmth the void

Wearing a saxifrage robe.


How can it be ?

How can it be ?


Now you both lie

On the bloody soil

From which you made roses


She is


– Do you know she could be

The weeper

Or the screamer

Once awake ?


Do not

Chase me.

You are an imbecile

And have always been.

No – I am not

A god

– No, please, don’t

Kill me.

I shall remain silent

No – I am not

What she called

– No, please, don’t

Kill me.


Kill me

I understood.

Speak, nymph : I shall die.


You, ominous voice

Had nearly murdered us

Every night

Every day

By telling a story

We didn’t want to belong to.


Fought – or we


And in both cases, it was

Our fault.


She wept or laughed

I stood voiceless and formless

And you implied

We were

Weak or



Look, she is awake :

She is herself

Nor a fool nor desperate

Both a fool and desperate

And for that, she is

Stronger than you.


Look, I am speaking :

I am myself

Nor a dead nor worthless

Both a dead and worthless

And for that, I am

Stronger than you.


The one who doesn’t exist

Is you.


Now, die.


She will come

And weep

Or laugh

Like a maniac


If she so desires


And I will listen

And cry

And hold her tight


If she so desires


She will come

And call – what

What for ?

The answer

Doesn’t matter

It might lie

On the grass

Or not

– Grass I will happily



If she so desires.

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